A Day at the DMV: Today we are going to talk about life and visiting in Las Vegas. Today I had to go to the dreaded DMV to register a car. Normally I’m savvy enough to register online and avoid the crush. Nevada provides a pretty hip set of options of not only renewing your car’s registration but renewing your driver’s license. But today I had to go to the DMV. It is on my least liked things to do list, right below getting a shot and having a root canal. The lines are horrible, the customers are frustrated and often short tempered and often slobs. The employees are nearly always on the defensive after being shouted at, threatened, and even spat upon. So with trepidation I entered the DMV, dodging the petition signature requesters. T

A Fluke or a Sign: I could not help but notice the emptiness of the DMV. Could it have been because it was Thursday around noon? Could it have been because it was the middle of the month? A fluke perhaps? Or could the reason have to do with the economy? MGM Grand just laid off a gaggle of people, restaurants seem to be not as full, those who work for tips complain that that tips are getting smaller. The days of 5,000 – 6,000 new residents per month moving to the Valley of the Dollars may well be behind this fair city.
Shuffle Into a Deal: The slowdown may also have benefits. Every zig has its zag and every ping has its pong. I remember after 9/11 the economy slowed to a crawl and hotels offered fantastic deals. Mrs. Dr. Forgot and I stayed at the Ritz Carlton for a week including meals, free valet parking and an upgraded room for about $ 500.00. Things aren’t that bad but The Wall Street Journal reports that deals are abundant along the Strip. Gamblers are becoming more frugal, conventioneers are cutting their stays short, and leisure travelers are staying home. The result is room rates cut up to 25%. Now is the time.
You’ll Never Take Me Alive Copper: As the economy tightens people become more creative in ways to survive. Copper theft from homes under construction or abandoned foreclosures or even public sources such as light poles and school air conditioners have become rampant. The thefts have cost the city millions in repair plus the danger posed when streetlamps are out. During a recent theft of 30,000 feet of copper the thief stole a city truck to transport it. Mayor Oscar went to court as a victim advocate The crook got 18 months and a big fine. The Mayor also suggested that taggers who deface public property have their thumbs cut off. You’ve gotta’ love Mayor Oscar.
A little blogging music Maestro... One more time.... Elvis doing, “Viva Las Vegas!”
Dr. Forgot